
...The term demonology refers to the study of demons, devils and negative spirits. The insertion of 'religious' in front specifies that the person studies them from a theological standpoint and not a magical one, i.e. the conjuring or worship of them. A religious demonologist studies how mankind is affected by negative entities of the spirit realm and comes to the aid of people who are being influenced by them.

...Usually, a religious demonologist is a member of the clergy. A lay religious demonologist is one who does the same job but is not ordained, but by special permission ( from a bishop) performs the same duties. (A demonologist is simply one who studies demons; a religious demonologist actually assists people to be rid of them. Ill-informed but well-meaning people often call themselves demonologists, not understanding the importance of the prefix 'religious'.)

...Many people call themselves religious demonologists erroneously. To be able to use the title as stated above, the necessary permission from a bishop must be obtained (and the religious demonologist should have credentials, at least in the form of a letter of recommendation from a bishop). Also, they would have to have been mentored by a learned and experienced religious demonologist.

...To understand the role of the religious demonologist, one must first be familiar with some general terms and concepts relating to the field.

...By definition, supernatural is 'relating or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws' (Encarta dictionary, 2003). This is a very broad term, often applied to ghosts and apparitions, angels, and even God.

...But there is another level to the supernatural, a 'subsection' if you will. Theologians call this the preternatural, a realm that is inhabited specifically by negative or evil entities. These are most commonly referred to as the fallen angels, or demons and devils (demonic and diabolical spirits, respectively).

...The role of the religious demonologist varies from case to case. Often he can resolve spirit-related problems in a home himself, using specialized rituals taught to him by the bishop he reports to or the demonologist who mentored him. In cases where exorcism is needed to free a person from demonic influence, the religious demonologist conducts an investigation and gathers evidence to substantiate the case for exorcism, essentially acting as the eyes and ears of the exorcist.

...His role does not end there though, as often he is called upon to assist with the exorcism. (He can assist, but only an ordained exorcist can actually perform an exorcism.) In instances where he resolves the problem himself, such as demonic activity in a home, the religious demonologist often counsels the family afterwards, helping them to cope with the experience and guide them back to a spiritual path and closer to their faith.

...The religious demonologist is part theologian, investigator, spiritual counselor and assistant to the exorcist or bishop. One can clearly see that the ranks of religious demonologist and 'ghostbuster' have completely different attributes, and the titles are not interchangeable.

...When a demonic or diabolical spirit directly interferes with one's life, only a religious demonologist can help to resolve the problem.

...Most individuals do not intentionally set out to interact with these types of spirits. Sometimes an innocent curiosity can open the door to the unknown - unleashing a type of terror that few can fathom. The use of oracles such as a Ouija board is one of the many ways a person may come into contact with the preternatural. These inhuman beings cannot initiate contact, but they can certainly respond to it. To a demonic spirit on the prowl, the sight of a person using an oracle to communicate with the spirit realm can be construed as an invitation.

...Usually, the intent of the person using the oracle (which is a blanket term applied to any object used to communicate with the spirit world) is harmless, meaning they did not set out to contact something evil. But the demonic may take advantage of this and try to pass itself off as the loved one they are trying to communicate with or as a 'spirit guide', willing to assist them with their goal. For this reason, scenarios like this are classified as an innocent invitation.

...Occasionally, there is an intentional invitation by a person who may be involved with the 'black arts', or magic attempted for evil purposes. Upon making a type of unholy pact with a demonic spirit, they may agree to give up their immortal soul for material goods, physical gratification or power in the earthly realm. In exchange, this person would allow the demon to inhabit or possess their body. These individuals are called the perfectly possessed: not only are they aware of the possession, they welcome it. However, the price they pay for the rewards they get from the demon is the loss of their eternal soul.

...Regardless of whether the invitation was innocent or intentional, through their own free will the person made a conscious decision to interact with the spirit realm . It's not relevant who or what they intended to contact. All that's relevant is that they initiated the communicator - spirit relationship, and the demonic now has free reign to enter their lives.

The role of the religious demonologist

...The first thing the religious demonologist does in his investigation is determine the severity and stage of the demonic's attack. By conducting interviews and a physical investigation, he builds a timeline of events that resulted in the situation. The phases are classified as infestation, oppression, obsession, and possession.

...It is important to note that the religious demonologist can only aid a person if they choose to be alleviated of this diabolical force. An investigation is fruitless unless the person wants the demonic assault to stop. If they willingly invited the demonic in, they have to want it to leave or the religious demonologist can be of no help.

...Infestation This could be defined as the beginning stages of the diabolical assault. At this point, activity caused by the demonic will be very subtle and is often written off as meaningless coincidences. There are a myriad of examples the religious demonologist may uncover in his investigation: inexplicable noises or odors in the house, small objects moving or disappearing, or even 'apparitions' appearing. (For example, it may appear as a small child or something the person would not feel threatened by). The person may not realize at first that these are just tricks that the diabolical uses to to increase the person's curiosity and to gain the recognition it needs to take hold.

...Oppression and obsession Confidant that that it has its hooks in, the spirit begins to show its true self. Activity becomes more frightening; the movement of small objects escalates to furniture and appliances being moved or even levitated, and there is a dramatic increase in the visual and auditory phenomena. What began as the 'small child' may now a terrifying monstrosity that confronts them at their bedside. At this point in the timeline, the religious demonologist also pays close attention to who is receiving the brunt of the activity, as the demonic often tries to single people out and pit family members against each other.

...Obsessive behavior is often observed at this stage. The person, whether conscious of it or not, gives the spirit more and more recognition, which only strengthens its hold on them.

...Possession The demonic breaks it victim(s) down with an assortment of visual, auditory and physical phenomena that they just can't bear any longer. Their wills broken and their bodies often battered, they give in - and the spirit possesses them. The invading spirit now has free reign to do what it came for: to destroy its victim. The only recourse at this point is an exorcism, and the religious demonologist takes his findings to the clergy to present his case for the ritual to take place.

Damage control

If you are not a religious demonologist, don't attempt to be one!

...If you feel you've encountered a situation where a diabolical entity may be involved, contact the clergy or someone who is well versed in handling situations like this - this can be very dangerous work. I do not recommend to anyone who is just curious to become involved with this subject matter.

...It must be pointed out for safety's sake that one cannot simply graduate from reading a few books or investigating some haunted areas to handling demonic cases. You must seek out someone with experience in this field and be mentored. Too often I've seen people attempt this, and many times with disastrous results. Being naive and ill-prepared, they become a 'soul victim' - and no better off then the person they attempted to help.

...When dealing with a person or family who, by some means, has made contact with an infernal power, it's critical that you be protected through your faith. Regardless of your religious persuasion, it's simply not possible to be a religious demonologist without it. It would be akin to going into a fire fight without a vest.

...Always be prepared for a battle - the demonic will use anything it can to have the upper hand. Remember, we as humans cannot out smart these infernal beings. They've been here since the beginning of time, and they know us better than we know ourselves. Never try to outwit them - it can't be done. No matter what plan of attack you contrive, they'll always outmaneuver you.

...Any time that the demonic is involved, be prepared to have your sense of reality turned on its end. They will assault you with an array of visual and auditory hallucinations designed to make you question your own sanity. Be wary of diabolical confusion and or a diabolical visitation, which can come upon you day or night - but always when you least expect it. This and other tactics will be used by the demon to deter anyone from trying to help these poor souls.

...When action must be taken to alleviate the diabolical influence from a persons life, proper care must be taken to ensure that every step of the required rituals is performed flawlessly. Simply conjugating a verb incorrectly in the Latin text or omitting a phrase renders the ritual useless, and leaves room for the demonic to increase its attack - and direct it towards the one who botched the ritual.

...(On that note, it should also be mentioned that the religious demonologist needs to have at least a working knowledge of basic Latin.)

...Often an offending item such as a Ouija board or cursed item may need to be removed from the premises. Extreme care should be taken to ensure that these items are disposed of properly.

...Lastly, the person or family needs to be instructed on the importance of keeping the preternatural out of their lives. The job of the religious demonologist doesn't end with the expulsion of the spirit; he also helps the victims get back in touch with their faith. The significance of this is illustrated in a quote from (Matthew . 12:43 - 45 R . S .V.)

..." When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest but he finds none. Then he says," I will return to my house from which I came." And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first ".

...In other words, the doors that were opened must be closed - and remain that way.

...Remember, it can return...


 Religious Demonologist

When you are studying to be a Religious Demonologist you never really quit learning. This field of work requires constant learning, and studying, and there are no experts. The Catholic tradition for Demonology is the most popular because the Catholic Church pretty much established the field. The Catholic Church for example usually requires the person to be either clergy, or to be ordained once they have finished their initial studies into the subject. Some of the Catholic churches require the person studying to become a Religious Demonologist to write an essay type paper to make sure that they understand the field, etc. before being ordained.

There are however three basic requirements that most churches agree on when it comes to Religious Demonology. Number one, you should be a born-again Christian. Number two, you need to study certain subjects. Number three, you need to learn those subjects with the help of the church (The clergy).

To be a Religious Demonologist is not something you can do as a hobby. I have stated this before in other articles. When a person becomes a Religious Demonologist it is usually because they feel they were called by God to do it. They have spoken with their family about it, prayed about it, and they also receive support, backing, and teaching from their church. This is a very dangerous field because of what you’re dealing with on a regular basis. Some Religious Demonologist live pretty secluded lives, and do not have many friends. The friends they do have however are usually very close friends and understand and support them. It is a simple fact that most people do not truly understand how this field of work and study affects the Demonologist, or what it takes to do it.

Some Religious Demonologist, including myself, have at least one or two mentors, or people that have given or continue to give them guidance in the field. It is very difficult to learn everything you need to from just one person. That is simply because not all Demonologist study, or learn the same things and some may know more about a particular subject than others. Other than getting the proper help and teaching from the church, it also a great idea to try and get help and guidance from a willing, reputable, and experienced Demonologist.

If you are interested in becoming a Religious Demonologist, here are some words of caution. This is a very dangerous field. You are dealing with the diabolical. Nothing is beneath a demon. You must have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ, and you must have a serious mind and personality. When you deal with the demonic you are not only putting yourself at risk, but your loved ones as well if you’re not careful.

Although Demonology falls into the paranormal field, it is still on a whole other level than your common paranormal case. Many investigators have found this out the hard way. Once you get into the field of Demonology, it’s not that easy to get out of. If this is a field that you think you may be interested in please think very carefully about it, pray about it, and talk with your family about it before deciding anything. This is not something that you can just jump into, or do simply because you find it "fascinating".

Your purity is just as important. Now, having stated that it certainly doesn’t mean you have to live a "Saintly" life. After all, we are only human thus we are sinful in nature and were born into a sinful world. God knows this of course, but, He does expect us to do our very best at all times to live according to His will and laws. Purity plays a key role in case work. This is because you may be called upon to use Religious Provocation or even Bless a home if deemed necessary if the Church has given you that authority and it’s approval to do so. Therefore, you will need to be pure in the eyes of God when doing those things.

It is for that reason that prayer and fasting are necessary when preparing for such events, and why the clergy does it. When they do these things they are purging themselves of sin. Therefore, it is very important for you to do these things with your whole-heart. You really need to mean it, not just go through the motions. Remember, God knows your mind and heart so if you don’t do things the way He expects, you will be asking for trouble, not to mention the fact that you can’t fool Him.

Demons will sometimes try to do things to dissuade a person from helping someone that is being afflicted by them. They may also visit you to let you know that they know who you are, what your intentions are, etc. This may also serve as a warning sometimes. Many paranormal investigators have dropped cases because a demon did something to scare them off, or paid them a visit. Once you step willingly into this field you and your family will become targets for the diabolical. Proper measures need to be taken to ensure your family’s safety because a demon will do anything to get to you or to try and keep you from helping someone. If these measures aren’t taken then you will be putting not only yourself in danger with every case you get, but your family as well. That is why I tell everyone that contacts me about wanting to do this work that they need to talk with their family about it too. They could be affected by what you do eventually.

This work is something that you are called to do. If you are meant to do this work you WILL know it. You won’t have any doubts at all. If God wants you to do this work for Him He will let you know, and He will provide a path for you. Just keep in mind that that doesn’t mean it will be easy because it won’t, and from the very start until the very end you will have to do what’s right, not what’s easy.

Another important aspect of being a Religious Demonologist is that you have to be a born-again Christian. Simply believing in God is not quite enough. I say that because even the demons themselves believe, and know that God does exist. Now then, when I say born-again Christian I mean you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior and put your full trust and faith in him. When you go to a case that may be demonic you need to be protected supernaturally. I say this because of the simple fact that you can and will eventually be attacked. Not only can these demons attack you at the site of the investigation, but they can and will follow you home. Why would they follow you home you may be asking? Because they will do whatever they need to or can do to dissuade you from helping the people they are attacking. This is why any R. Demonologist will tell you it's a lifestyle, because they accept the fact that this could happen, and will happen eventually. It goes with the territory. We are ready for it if it happens, and we know what to do when it happens.

When you go into someone else's home that is under demonic attack you can't turn tail and run when things start to happen or you get scared. People are depending on you, and have put their trust and faith in you that you'll help them, and stick with them until the very end or until the problem has been resolved. Demonology is not for the faint hearted. Nor is it for the weak minded, or anyone who scares easily. You must have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ, a strong serious mind and personality, and a deep caring and compassion for your fellow man/woman, as well as a strong inner strength. If you don't have these things on your side, you won't last long in this field. Demonology is a very, very serious and dangerous field of work and study




Demons (aka: Fallen Angels)

By David G. Scott / Religious Demonologist

The history of demons goes back to the beginning of time itself. Demons did not always exist however. They were created as angels before man was created. As angels they were good in nature just like all the others, as God intended them to be. However, pride led to the downfall of many of them. It was this pride that caused these angels to not only think but to even believe that they were equal to God Himself. It was this pride that caused them to think that they did not have to stay in their assigned roles or duties, and thus put themselves above God and rule over even Him (Jude 6). Lucifer, who was the leader of this rebellion, would become known as Satan and the angels that followed him became demons.

It is important to know and understand one thing before I go any further. God did not create evil, he can’t. God is pure, love, kindness, omnipotent, omnipresent, etc. There is nothing bad or evil about God, there is no darkness in Him what so ever, only light.

It was the pride of some of the angels that caused them to sin against God, thus causing some of them to be chained and cast into the pits of nether gloom to be kept until the last judgment of Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 2:4) However, not all of the demons were chained and committed to those pits after the rebellion. The other demons were cast out of the third Heaven which is also known as the heaven of heavens. This is where Jesus Christ ascended to and now sits and rules over all having all authority, power, and dominion. Thus they were removed from the presence of God and Jesus Christ until the last judgment.

Once they were cast from Heaven they lost a great deal of their powers as a part of their punishment. When it comes to their powers they still have more power against non Christians than they do Christians. For example, against a non Christian they can control, possess, deceive, blind them spiritually, and trap them. To a Christian they can tempt, harass, and deceive them at times but never control or possess them. Demons can possess people and animals only, not dolls like some people believe. People will often hear stories of possessed dolls and toys and it is believed because the doll or toy was said to have moved on its own. What’s happening in those stories is that the doll or toy is being manipulated by the demon, not being possessed. Demons can not possess inanimate objects.

It’s not just the powers and abilities of demons that are popular, it’s their appearance too. Demons have even found their way into medieval art. During that era they usually appeared as little black evil creatures or "imps" in paintings. Of course demons do not actually have material or physical bodies. They can appear as a black humanoid form, but they can not duplicate the human form perfectly. This is because demons never were human. It is more common for them to appear as a black mass, red mist, or orange mist. Although demons have no true form or body they will also appear in an ugly, grotesque form to scare the people they are appearing before. This is to initiate a reaction of fear. Fear is what a demon feeds off of because it makes them stronger. Demons can also appear in more friendly forms though to gain acceptance into a home or life. For example, demons can appear to very small children as another child to gain acceptance into the child’s life and home. This is where some children get their imaginary friends. This is also a good example of how they deceive people to get what they want.

As I have stated before, demons will do whatever they can to get what they want, nothing is beneath them. Until the final judgment of Christ they have nothing but time, and the wisdom of the ages to do whatever they can to try and destroy mankind and make him/her suffer as much as possible in the process.


Demons (aka: Fallen Angels) - Part 2 -

By David G. Scott / Religious Demonologist

This article is a continuation of the first one that I wrote. In the first article I touched on some of the basics about demons, and their rebellion. In the first article I referred mostly to the demons that were cast out of Heaven in the rebellion with Satan and are now being kept in chains in the pits of nether gloom until the last judgment. That is the "Fallen Angels." However that was only some of the demons. Not all of them were cast into pits of nether gloom and/or out of Heaven. I also went into a little detail about the appearance of demons. In this article I will be discussing the other demons, their kingdom, as well as one of the most popular misconceptions about them, which is their "names."

The other demons that I’m referring to are the "free demons." That is the one’s that are allowed to wander the earth with Satan stalking mankind. They are also known as the "principalities", "powers of the air", and "the powers of darkness." It is these demons that still have access to the heavenlies, as well as the earth. These demons are the ones that seek to corrupt, possess, and destroy mankind. Before I go any further though I need to explain what I mean by the heavenlies. When Satan was cast out of heaven he was cast out of the third heaven also known as heaven of heavens. That is the Heaven where Jesus Christ ascended to and now sits ruling over all, and having all authority, power, and dominion. Satan was cast forever out of the presence of God until the last judgment, but, not out of Heaven completely. You have to remember that heaven itself is another realm, one that we can not see. Also, all demons are "Fallen Angels" there are just different ones.

Satan is of course the ruler of these demons, and has established a kingdom of his own. Just as there is a rank and order among the angels in Heaven that serve God and Jesus Christ there is a rank and order among the demons and their kingdom in serving Satan. Scripture indicates that there is a rank and order system among the demons when it refers to Abbadon. Abbadon is the ruler of the demons in the abyss. It is from this that we can reason that Satan has some type of ranking system within his kingdom, not to mention the fact that to assume that his kingdom and the demons that follow and serve him would be unorganized is not logical.

This is where we will get into the names of the demons. I’m sure most of you have come across websites that list all the names of known demons and their ranks. While some of the names you see are legitimate, you simply can not trust all of them. As a matter of fact, you can throw most of them out. The Bible does name some of the demons in scripture as do other ancient writings. The problem with trusting any other ancient writings is that they have been found to be inaccurate as well as contradict what the Bible teaches. It is for these reasons that the names of demons found in anything but the Bible simply can not be trusted. Having said that, that doesn’t mean you have to disregard what it says altogether because some of it could be true. You should just be mindful that it could also be wrong. Remember though that the Holy Bible is the ultimate authority and it will never mislead you. The fact of the matter is that most demons will take on the name of whatever they’re inflicting or doing at the time. I will list some of the names of demons found in the Bible below. Most of these are the "gods" and idols that the different cultures and people worshipped. Scripture indicates that it was actually demons that influenced this type of worship and activity.

Legion Gad

Baal Balaam

Bel Hammon

Belial Lilith

Beelzebub (Satan) Moloch

Seirim Abaddon

Finally, I need to address an age old myth concerning the names of demons. That myth is that if you say or write the name of a demon you will be attacked. This stems from the old saying "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." It is most unfortunate but there are some people that lead others to believe this. Saying or writing the name of a demon will not cause you to be attacked by one. It’s the fear and recognition that you are giving the demon that could cause an attack. Even then one would have to be around, and be strong enough to do anything. Not to mention several other things that would need to take place. I say the names of demons all the time, have just written a list of them above, and nothing happens.

In conclusion, there’s more to demons than most people realize. As I’ve said before, the only true way to correctly learn about demons and the demonic is through the Church, not your local library. Most of the websites on the internet that have information about demons are just not accurate or are completely wrong. The same goes for many of the books that have been written about demons. Unless you get your information through the Church, Seminary, or a Bible college you can not trust what is out there. Just like you shouldn’t believe everything you see and hear, you shouldn’t believe everything you read either.



Territorial Demons

By David G. Scott / Religious Demonologist

Territorial Demon(s) is not something that many people have ever heard of, including paranormal investigators. However, the name pretty much explains what they are. A territorial demon is a demon that has laid claim to a property. In this article I will address the very basics on territorial demons.

When dealing with this kind of demon there could very well be more than just one on the property. If there is more than one, they will all usually answer to one superior demon, or a "head demon". Discovering whether or not you are dealing with a territorial demon can be tricky unless you know what to look out for.

The main reason why it can be tricky is thus; a territorial demon will know everything about the property it has laid claim to. Put another way, the demon will know the entire history of the property. It will know who has lived there, what happened, when it happened, how it happened, why it happened, etc. Just like any other demon, a territorial demon will do one of two things if person or family moves onto the property. Number one; it will try to scare the new owner away. Number two; it will pick a target (person) and try to attack and destroy him/her.

Once the person or family has begun to experience things in the home they will usually become concerned as to what is taking place within their home. When this happens, they will of course call in some outside help in order to try and figure out what is happening. However, the demon will have the advantage if possible help arrives. That advantage is of course the fact that it knows the history of that property. Therefore, if a paranormal team is called in to help the family or person, the demon could simply re-enact past events that happened on the property. When this is done, 9 out of 10 teams will automatically assume it is a residual haunt once they have done any research on that property. If the team chooses to believe that possibility then they will most likely tell the client that there is nothing to fear or worry about as the activity is "harmless".

The demon will often cause this activity when the oppression stage has begun. Even though the demon may not be "attacking" the client yet; this type of activity can and will often be done in order to confuse the person mentally and emotionally while breaking him/her down at the same time. The most important thing to look out for, as with any case, is "negative activity". Even if the client hasn’t begun to experience any personal attacks against him/herself that doesn’t mean it won’t happen eventually, because it usually will. However, if the demon is identified quickly enough and expelled from the property in time, the attacks could be prevented all together.

If a team comes in to try and help the client figure out what is going on and the demon can successfully trick or fool the team, or people helping, into thinking and believing that it is just a residual haunt, then the demon would have accomplished two things at once. Number one; it will get rid of any possible help. Number two; it will gain more power and control over the property because it got rid of the help and fooled everyone. If this happens, it can make it that much more difficult to expel from the property once it has been properly identified. Simply put, the stronger the demon, the more difficult the battle. Again, and this can not be stressed enough, the most important thing any investigator can do when they aren’t sure what they are dealing with is listen very carefully to all the claims of activity. If it is indeed residual in nature there will be no negative claims of activity, nor will the activity increase in frequency or severity in anyway at anytime.

If the client is reporting things like black masses and shadows, feelings of being watched or dread, those are red flags for a demonic haunt. If it is a territorial demon though it will usually only stay on the property and not attach itself to anyone in the home. However, having stated that, it can still attach itself to someone. If it is believed to be residual, and it is residual, and the team has explained to the client what a residual haunt is, then that should put the client at ease thus ending any fears or anxiety on the client’s part. However, if the fear and anxiety continues with the client, and the activity in the home is causing these feelings and emotions, that too is a red flag and things need to be re-evaluated. If it is believed that something else could be going on, then more help should be called in. Just like when seeing a doctor, it never hurts to get a second opinion because the first one could be the wrong one, and left untreated, things will get worse.



By David G. Scott / Religious Demonologist

This article was written for the purpose of educating people on the subject of possession and how it can and does happen. This is a subject that a lot of people find both interesting and fascinating. Some times for the wrong reasons. One of the most common questions that people have asked me is how does a person become possessed? Well, let me go ahead and put some of you at ease by telling you that a demon simply can not jump in to you and take control of you. It just doesn’t work that way. There are three (3) very specific stages that must occur before someone can become a victim of possession. They are infestation, oppression, and finally possession.

Infestation stage - The demon introduces itself into the life of the intended target or victim. This is usually done in a deceitful manner. For example, if you have a deceased relative it may try to make you think it’s one of them so you will allow it to hang around. Some other ways that it may come into the life of a person is through séances, Ouija boards, conjuring, and lastly moving into an infested home. Moving into an infested home is not uncommon I’m sad to say. After it has been given your permission to be in your life (most individuals do not even realize that they ever gave it permission to be there) it begins to show its true self and the oppression stage begins.

Oppression stage - This is when the demon picks out its intended target or victim and begins its onslaught. This is when things begin to happen around the home and that is usually only around it’s target. For example, furniture may start moving on its own, small things disappear and reappear in odd places. The person may begin to hear strange noises like scratching on the walls, whispering coming from empty rooms, shadows moving around the house, and seeing things out of the corner of their eyes, foul smells, etc. All of these things are done very subtly. This is so the person will begin to second guess themselves, doubt themselves, and eventually go crazy. In most cases nothing will ever happen to anyone else in the home, just that one person (the target). This is also done in order to make everyone else doubt the person or make them think that the person is crazy. If no one believes the targeted person then it makes it that much easier to break the individual down mentally because that person will begin to seriously think that they are crazy. If it does get to that point the person will then usually develop the mind set of "I give up", or "Just do whatever it is your going to do and get it over with" or something that indicates that they give up mentally and emotionally. Once the person has said or done that, then possession could occur.

Possession - This is when the demon actually enters into the person and takes control. Unless you are a part of the person’s immediate family or close friend you may never know the person is possessed. The person will not be possessed all day everyday like some people believe. It is random. In some cases the person did not even know they were possessed.

If someone is possessed there are often certain signs of it. For example, the person may suddenly be able to speak a language fluently that they never learned, they may know things about people that no one else knows, they do not want anything to do with church or holy items, they can’t stand to hear the name Jesus Christ, and they may show sudden signs of super human strength. There are of course more signs than that but these are the most common. One other way to tell if someone is possessed is that the person will not remember when they are. Unless someone has told the person what they did while they were possessed then they simply won’t remember anything that may have happened. If they claim that they do remember then they aren’t victims of possession but simply looking for attention. Now having said that, there are ways for the clergy and R. Demonologist’s to tell if someone is really possessed or not. I will not however say what they are for obvious reasons. Just know that most clergy and R. Demonologist’s can tell so it would be wise for you not to act like it to get attention because you would only cause yourself embarrassment. This leads me to the fact that clergy would need to be called in to perform an exorcism. Only clergy can perform an exorcism and it has to be a Catholic priest because the Catholic Church is the only denomination that knows how to perform one properly. R. Demonologist’s can not perform an exorcism on a person but they can assist if needed by the priest.


Demonic Investigations

By David G. Scott / Religious Demonologist

I decided to write this article so that people can understand how different a paranormal case is to that of a demonic case. First and foremost it’s what you’re dealing with, that is a demon. Secondly, it’s the type of equipment you use. Third, it’s how you conduct the investigation. Finally, it’s what you do, or have to do once the investigation is over. I will address each of these one at a time so as to be able to understand them better.

First off, what you’re dealing with. When a person or investigator is dealing with the demonic, you are dealing with pure evil, the diabolical. Nothing is beneath a demon, as it will do anything. No demonic case is the same. In some cases the demon will "hide" or not "show itself" in an attempt to make the investigator(s) think there is nothing in the home. In doing this the demon is actually accomplishing two things at once. It is making the investigator(s) (if they don’t know better) think that nothing is in the home thus leading them to believe that there may be something wrong with the client. For example, the investigator(s) may start to think or believe that the client is imagining things, or could be suffering from a mental disorder of some kind. This in turn can make the client begin to think the same things. If, and or when that happens the demon has accomplished two things at once. Number one, it fooled the investigator(s) which could mean they won’t come back. And number two, it is breaking the client down mentally and emotionally because the client will start to second guess themselves, or think they are going crazy. That is one of the things that must happen before a demon can possess someone. It has to break their will. If a demon decides that it’s not going to hide from the investigator(s) it can do any number of things. It could try to attack everyone in the home, investigators included. It could cause un-natural things to occur in the home, like extreme temperature changes, movement of furniture (including being levitated or thrown), showing itself, etc. It could even go as far as to follow an investigator home in an attempt to scare him/her off so they will stop helping the client. This is just one of many reasons why dealing with the demonic is so dangerous. It has been known that demons will follow an investigator home when trying to help someone, and to even show up at the home of the investigator before they even go to the client’s home for the first time. Again, this is being done in an anot help at all. Simply put, when dealing with a demon, expect the unexpected yet expect nothing at all.

Secondly, there’s the equipment. A paranormal investigator can use most of their equipment on demonic cases. However, video equipment is usually useless unless it is being used to capture evidence of a certain type of activity in the home. For example, a door that opens and closes by itself, dishes that fly out of cabinets, etc. Otherwise it is not really needed because a demon is not there to communicate with you in any way. It is there only to torture, harass, and try to destroy its target. One of the most useful pieces of equipment that can be utilized during a demonic investigation is a digital voice recorder. That is because the investigator(s) is more likely to capture evidence on it than on video. When using a digital voice recorder you will want to put one in every room that has, or has had activity in it. Another good piece of equipment that can be used is the motion sensor. These are great to have because they can alert you to any activity that is going on in the home that needs to be checked out. A demon will most likely not show itself, but, it will still move around unseen. When it does, the motion sensor will usually catch it. Walkie-talkies are very useful to have also. Communication is key during an investigation. If something happened, you can call for assistance. While this is common practice for any paranormal case, it is more important to do when investigating the demonic simply because the chances of someone being hurt, etc. goes up dramatically.

It is a good rule of thumb to have no more than four investigators on a demonic case. When that is done the team will usually split up into two teams of two. No one should ever be left alone, or go off by themselves during a demonic investigation. If you do, you could quickly become a target. If that were to happen, hopefully you’ll have some type of communication with you. As far as EMF meters and Temperature gauges are concerned, they are good to have to establish any baseline readings when you start the investigation, but once that is done, they really won’t be of much use anymore. When it comes to the equipment to use, concentrate on audio.ttempt to get the investigator(s) to stop helping, or

Third, is how to conduct the investigation. The treatment of the case is one of the most important aspects of demonic investigations. You should never treat these types of cases (the demonic) like you would any other case. You need to be on your guard at all times. Not to be would be foolish and dangerous. When dealing with your typical paranormal case most investigators go into it with the mind frame that they will "disprove it" or that they will be able to "debunk it." When dealing with a demonic or possibly demonic case you must do the opposite. You need to go in thinking that it is demonic until it is proven otherwise. This is because of the simple fact that Satan and demons alike thrive on mankind’s ignorance to their existence. If you don’t go in with your guard up you can quickly become a target. I have told many paranormal teams and investigators "if you have a case that could be demonic, take only your seasoned investigators, take no skeptics, keep your guard up, and expect the unexpected." I tell them not to take any skeptics because they would only be targets and could hinder the investigation

When you investigate the demonic you have to know that it’s not going to go like a regular paranormal case. You don’t go in thinking that you’ll be able to do EVP work and get responses, or capture it on video. That’s because a demon isn’t there to communicate with you, it has no interest in that, nor does it want you to know that it’s there. It’s going to clam up and do nothing if it knows it can get away with it. Unless a demon believes that it can scare someone off by showing itself it’s just not going to happen. The best way to get evidence is by knowing what to do to get the demon to show itself, or respond to something you do or say. This is why this field can be, and is so dangerous. Just about the only way to make a demon show itself is by using religious provocation. This is can be very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, or how to protect yourself. It is very effective though if there is a demon in the home. There are also cases when it may be necessary to stay several days in the home to gather the needed evidence. As I have said in other articles though, every case is different and how you conduct your investigation will depend upon the activity in the home, etc.

Finally, there is the matter of what you do or have to do when the investigation is over. In any demonic case the home is going to need to be blessed. In extreme cases, the demon has also possessed a person living in the house so an exorcism must be performed by the church. It is important to know and understand that the more evidence the church of the client has the more likely it will get involved. For the common paranormal team, once they have captured the evidence and submitted it to the proper people their job is over. It is then the duty of the church to finish things up. This will consist of an exorcism if need be, a blessing of the home, and any counseling that the victim or its family may need after the ordeal. A lot of people tend to believe that once the person has been freed from possession, or the home has been cleansed it is all over. Unfortunately that is not always true. As a matter of fact, for a lot of cases it’s only the beginning if enough damage was done.

In conclusion, if you go into a demonic case thinking that you will be able to treat it just like any other paranormal case then chances are you’re going to run into problems, as well as issues. And that is the last thing anyone needs if you’re dealing with a demon.

 Names and Rank in the Infernal Region (alphabetically)

Heather Dorlet


Apollyon (Abaddon) : King of Demons
Abigor: Horseman with a scepter and lance, commanding 60 legions
Adremelech: Chancellor and High Council of Demons
Aguares : Grand Duke of Eastern region, commanding 30 legions
Alocer : Grand Duke , commanding 36 legions
Amduscius : Grand Duke, commanding 29 legions
Andras : Marquis , commanding 30 legions
Asmodeus (Asmoday) : Head of Casinos, banished to the desert by Raphael
Astaroth : Grand Duke of Western region, Lord Treasurer
Aym : Grand Duke , commanding 26 legions
Ayperos : Prince, commanding 36 legions
Azazel : Standard Bearer of Armies, also known as Satanael.
Baal : Commanding General of the Infernal Armies
Baalberith : Chief Secretary and Archivist (second order demon, Berith)
Balan : Prince
Bearded Demon : Remains nameless to avoid his use in search of the Philosopher's Stone (King Solomon)
Beelzebub (Beelzebuth) : Prince of the Demons, Lord of the Flies, second only to Satan
Belial : Prince of Trickery, Demon of Sodomy
Belphegor : Demon of Ingenious discoveries and wealth
Buer : Second order demon but commands 50 legions
Caym : Grand President of the Infernal
Charon : Boatman who ferries souls across the river Styx
Chax : Grand Duke
Cresil : Demon of Impurity and slovinliness
Dagon : Baker and member of the House
Eurynomus : Prince who feeds on corpses
Furfur : Count , commanding 26 legions
Geryon : Giant centaur, guards hell
Jezebeth : Demon of Falsehoods
Kasdeya : According to the "Book of Enoch", the fifth Satan
Kobal : Entertainment Director, patron of Comedy
Leonard : Inspector General of Black Magic and Sorcery
Leviathan : Grand Admiral: androgynous ( Christian myth says he seduced both Adam and Eve)
Lilith : Princess of Hell. ( Hebrew myth is that she is a succubus)
Malphas : Grand President, commanding 40 legions
Mammon : Demon of Avarice
Mastema : Leader of the offspring of fallen angels by humans
Melchom : Treasurer of the House
Mephistopheles : Some versions a servant of Lucifer, others Satan himself
Merihim : Prince of Pestilence
Moloch : Another demon of Hebrew lore
Mullin : Servant of the House of Princes, Lieutenant to Leonard
Murmur : Count, Demon of Music
Naburus : Marquis, connected with Cerberus
Nergal : Chief of Secret Police, second order demon
Nybras : Grand Publisist of Pleasures, inferior
Nysrogh : Chief of the House of Princes, second order demon
Orias : Marquis, Demon of Diabolic Astologers and Diviners
Paymon : Master of Ceremonies
Philatanus : Demon assisting Belial in furthering sodomy and pedophile behaviors
Proserpine : Princess of Hell ( some say, close to Persephone of Pagan traditions)
Pyro : Prince of Falsehoods
Raum : Count, commanding 30 legions
Rimmon : Ambassador from hell to Russia, also known as Damas
Ronwe : Inferior, yet commands 19 legions
Samael : Angel of Death, Prince of Air
Semiazas : Chief of Fallen Angels
Shalbriri : Demon that strikes people blind
Sonneillon : Demon of Hate (Michaelis )
Succorbenoth : Chief Eunuch of the House of Princes, Demon of Gates and Jealousy
Thamuz : Ambassador of hell, Creator of the Holy Inquisition, Inventor of Artillery
Ukobach : Stationary Engineer
Uphir : Demon physician
Valafar : Grand Duke
Verdelet : Master of Ceremonies of the House of Princes
Verin : Demon of Impatience
Vetis : demon who specializes in corrupting and tempting the holy
Xaphan : Stokes the furnace of hell, second order demon
Zaebros : Animal - human combination
Zagan : Demon of Deceit and counterfeiting

 "Demonic possession"?

The Demonic gains a foothold: Permission will be granted for the inhuman entity to enter. This could involve dabbling in the occult, or using divining techniques such as the Ouija board. In some cases the permission given will not have been so obvious in the victims memory.

Infestation: Poltergeist-like activity generates fear, which, in turn, fuels the demonic.

Oppression: Because time has no meaning to the inhuman entity, this stage can vary from weeks to even years. Paranormal phenomenon intensifies such as the movement of objects increasing in scale and tapping or knocking becoming loud pounding. Injury without obvious cause will occur such as scratches or bites. Nightmares and sleep depravation break down the constitution of the individual. A person’s weaknesses will be targeted with the ultimate desired result on the part of the demonic: Possession

A description of someone thought to be possessed includes:

1. Violent behavior and sacrilegious outbursts

2. Aversion to the spoken name of Jesus Christ, blessed objects and holy water, etc.

3. Abnormal strength

4. Ability to speak languages never before studied

5. Psychic or paranormal abilities such as telepathy, levitation or poltergeist activity

6. Knowledge of facts about other individuals they have never met

7. Wounds appearing that are not self-inflicted or inflicted by an obvious outside source

Other phenomena associated with the presence of the demonic include repulsive odors, a marked decrease in the temperature and spontaneous movement or destruction of objects in the room of someone allegedly undergoing possession.

Theoretical differences between possession and a neurobiological disorder (NBD) such as schizophrenia:

1. Christianity: Demons and their victims are averse to anything having to do with Christianity. Individuals with NBD are often devoutly religious.

2. An inhuman entity can impart hidden knowledge such as facts about someone that the possessed person has only just met. Someone suffering with NBD will not have this access.

4. There will be paranormal phenomena that are apparent to others around the victim in a possession. In NBD, nothing in the environment will seem unusual to others.

5. Those who have experience dealing both with demon possession and individuals with mental illness believe people who claim to be possessed more than likely are not. The demonic will try to conceal its presence.

6. If prayer solves the problem, then it was probably not schizophrenia. If medication and therapy helps, it was not demon possession.

Seances and Ouija Boards

In a spiritual (and even psychological) sense, utilizing a Oiuja board, or participating in a seance, especially if one is "channeling", is giving something which is unseen permission to take at least partial control over ones psyche and motor reflexes. It can be taken by some entities as an open invitation to invade ones life, to varying degrees. IndividualS who have experienced severe emotional trauma or who have low feelings of self-worth, or who may have suffered identity crises, are particularly vulnerable to this.

The chances of a parasitic entity entering an individual's life through these methods (the same can obviously be said of automatic writing) are somewhat rare...but it only takes that one time for something to happen. If an individual has "crossed the line", so to speak, and as a result is being harassed by such an entity, then the permission which was originally given must be taken away. The individual must adamantly make it clear that he or she does NOT want this spirit entity in their lives. This should be followed up with a "cleansing", or spiritual blessing, during which one should have a special prayer recited over them, in faith, in accordance with their particular religious belief. If the person subscribes to no particular religious belief, then he or she must make a firm verbal proclamation that they absolutely will not further permit this invading entity into their lives, making certain to tell it to "depart now in peace." The individual should then practice envisioning a white, protective light surrounding their entire body (especially before going to bed at night), until he or she feels comfortable, and confident that the entity is no longer giving them a problem.

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